Friday, May 12, 2006

Who is Anyman ?

Anyman represents the individual in society. It is a symbol, created to encourage you to consider the implications of how you occupy space and how the space you occupy shapes your identity. Every space has a temporal aspect : it exists in time and has a history attached to it. Anything (and Anyman) entering that space catalyses a reaction and becomes a part of its history. Anyman aims to bring awareness to the fact that the environments we inhabit are designed and controlled by people in positions of power who reserve the right to manipulate space and subsequently to influence the ontological stance of the individuals who inhabit that space.

When did you last see a view free from any man made structure or intervention? In this 24-hour a day global village the total human population is approximately 6,000,129,811. Space and time have become politiscized, commercialised and regulated commodities. Urban spaces in particular are geared toward promoting consumption.The population is increasingly inundated with sensory data. You are perpetually receiving ,processing and interpreting information. This information moulds your identity. Society is structured on the concept of the individual, but convenience culture has made conformity seem more compelling than individuality. Every individual can be percieved of as s a brand communicating a certain ideology through interaction with its environment. Every brand needs to retain its integrity.Every brand needs to make its voice heard against the background noise. This doesn't mean shouting louder than anybody else it means saying something different and saying it with conviction. Anyman hopes to remind you of that.

Coca-colonised culture is saturated with brands competing for your attention in both public and 'private' spaces. The Nike swoosh advises you to "Just do It", the golden arches of Macdonalds sell happiness in the form of a burger and a plastic toy, Madonna has cornered the market as a sex diva and an author of childrens fables. As a consumer you are able to purchase everything from chewing gum to longevity. Every available surface is a target for branding : logos have been lazered onto the yolks of eggs (while still in the shell), humans have been branded by celebrity worship, Google has become a verb and Pepsi has proposed projecting its logo onto the surface of the moon. The proliferation of advertised brands is apparent even in the pristine suburbs where the walls of houses are branded with the names of armed response units and "For Sale signs.

Anyman has infiltrated this cacophany of branded visual data. It is an ironic brand employing guerilla advertising techniques to draw attention to the social implications of the mass media industry ie: using the medium to subvert itself.

The intention is to make the Anyman logo as prominent and ubiquitous as possible. Look out for it on street pole ads, in the classified section of newspapers, on road signs, stickers, stencils and flyers and superimposed over existing advertisments . If you spot him please take a photo and contact me.

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